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This is going to hurt - Adam Kay


synopsis -

To quote the guardian; '' This is going to hurt should be given out on prescription''. The book is an non fiction master piece full of diary entries of a NHS doctor working on front line. Sleepless nights and long hours, Adam Kay explores the laughs on the wards as well as exposing the vitality of the cries. Voted as the book of the year, as well as winning more than 4 awards- this is a book you don't want to miss.

“So I told them the truth: the hours are terrible, the pay is terrible, the conditions are terrible; you’re underappreciated, unsupported, disrespected and frequently physically endangered. But there’s no better job in the world.''

''The depths of the lows is the price you pay for the heights of the highs''


At a time where the NHS is undergoing a pandemic, this is going to hurt carries massive ideological significance. Kay explains the importance of the staff and the sacrifices they make to keep everyone else healthy, he busts the myths of why doctors go into medicine and allows the reader to be submerged in gratitude for the countries most beneficial Asset. In terms of the structure of the book, The diary entries follow Adam through the ranks, from a junior doctor to becoming a consultant, specializing in gynecology. As you can imagine, the stories he has to tell are hilarious as well as heartbreaking. At times the book could reduce you to tears of laughter as well as tears of sorrow. The writing was easy to follow with around every Page having a small glossary of doctor terms made simple, and yes to make you laugh.

A perfect example of a funny diary entry had to be this one: “3 am attendance at labor ward triage. Patient RO is 25 years old and 30 weeks into her first pregnancy. She complains of a large number of painless spots on her tongue. Diagnosis: taste buds.” Adam Kay is straight to the point explaining the funerals the christenings and the anniversary he's missed for his profession. This is going to hurt exposes the brutality of the NHS and the treatment of them by the government as we see the mental ad physical sacrifices which are made. Despite the ups of working for the NHS and the funny stories that are told, Kay explores the lows of feeling helpless and out of control whilst also explaining the reason why he left the medical profession ( don't worry I won't spoil).

To conclude ' this is going to hurt' is an easy read which I finished in two days. This book (although maybe inappropriate for those of a young age ) is significant in a world today where legislation is constantly restricting the flourishing of the NHS. with pay rises ranging from 1%-3%, it is clear the NHS is constantly underappreciated and restricted by the Conservative government. This book not only opened my eyes to the raw brutality of life on the wards but also made me realize the lack of appreciation these real-life heroes deserve. A must read for every British Citizen.

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